Since I joined British Dressage around 18 months ago I have been working towards being selected for a BYRDS team. That's the U25 riders teams that go to regional competitions, the Home International each year and the Sheepgate Under 25 championships. Katrina and I were a reserve for last year's Home International, and I was so disappointed when the strangles lockdown and then Katrina injuring herself on the fence meant that I couldn't put my name forward for selection. Finally with just the Sheepgate U25 Championship selection left, Katrina was back in work, not as fit or strong but working sweetly so mum said I could put my name forward. Today I got and email from British Dressage saying Congratulations, you've been selected!!! I can't tell you how happy I am, the preparation hasn't been what it should have but we'll be working towards getting us both in great shape in time for the Championships.
We'll also be doing out first try with our new music from Equivisions which is sounding amazing, so I am doubly looking forward to Sheepgate!
Massive Massive thank you to my supporters who make this all possible for me Equerry Horse Feeds, Allott Equine Massage, Tottie Clothing, Equiclass Boots The Emporium at Wentworth and of course, my hero, my mum. Please take time to check them out on mysupporters page, they really are all great to be involved with and have fabulous products!
Alanna xoxox