When we arrived, my zipper broke on my cream jodpurs so i had to wear my black leggings!!! But we still went straight in and began warming up, waiting for Hannah's arrival. Soon, we were joined by another horse, and I was confused, but we quickly realised that we were in at the same time and we would just have to work around each other.
We thought Shadow might be a little slow just because of how long and tiring yesterday's pony club rally was but she was actually really forward!!!! I think it was because the cross country buzzed her up a bit. When Hannah arrived to start the lesson immediately it was all business. She started by having us do lots of trot and canter transitions so Shadow was listening to my aids. We worked on my position, particuarly my naughty lower leg that refuses to stay down and we also worked on going from canter to walk, walk to canter, and doing 10 meter circles in canter and asking Shadow to walk as soon as we hit the the wall!!! It was actually really hard, trying to keep her together and forward, I mean, we don't call Shadow "the Tank" for nothing, because whenever she can, Shadow will try her level best to use your hands as fifth leg, bless her she can really lean. By the end of this particular activity, I was flushed what was described as a delicate shade of pink and very hot!!! But Hannah seemed pleased because Shadow was starting to look far more uphill, or should that be less downhill?
Once she was really working, Hannah had us try some shoulder in again, and though we weren't able to stay very forward all the time on the left rein, but it was actually much easier than last time, and the right rein Hannah seemed pleased with, so glad that we've got better!!! Shadow worked really hard, she felt like she was concentrating on doing what I was asking and really was in a trying mood for her, and I'm very pleased because she tried so hard for me.
Thank you to Stonehouse Solutions for the amazing help you've given.
Thanks to Hannah Moody for taking the time to instruct me and making such a difference to my riding xxx also thanks to The Emporium at Wentworth for the transport, and mum for driving me there and being so supportive and helpful xxxx of course, thanks to Shadow who would have to ruin it by nipping me when I was sponging her off..... I love her really!!!!